LivMV Letter to Zoning Administrator 12/18/2024 “Item 6.1: Magnussen Toyota Redevelopment”

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Senior Planner Aki Snelling and Assistant Community Development Director Amber Blizinski, and other zoning administrators,

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on Item 6.1, the redevelopment proposal for Magnussen’s Middlefield LLC.

While we applaud the modifications of the original proposal which provides “retention of additional mature redwood trees along the southern perimeter of the site to address privacy issues”, we are dismayed that the same provision was not made for the heritage trees that line the east side of the development property. (See photo below). We are advocating that these heritage trees be retained.  

Heritage trees purify our air, provide residence for our birds, connect us to our past, and give us hope for our future in an era of climate change. These heritage trees are on the edge of the property being redeveloped and they can be preserved without making major changes in the development proposal. They also provide an effective shield between the property being redeveloped and the newly constructed adjacent residential development. Removing these trees will devalue the adjacent residential properties without providing any important additional benefit for the property developer.  

Any possible justification for destroying these trees that our city prioritizes and protects must be balanced against not only their benefits to the community as we battle climate change but also that they are a legacy from past to future generations and thus irreplaceable. We are aware that the city will require replacement saplings as substitutes for destroyed mature trees, but this ignores our world’s current climate issues and the immediate need for mature trees.

Thank you for listening to our views.

Robert Cox, Louise Katz, Maureen Blando, Hala Alshahwany, Li Zhang, and Nazanin Dashtara

For the Steering Committee of Livable Mountain View

LivMV Letter to Council 12/18/2024: Item 4.1 “Amend City Council Policy K-2, Council Advisory Bodies”

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Mayor Showalter, Vice Mayor Matichak, and Members of the City Council,

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on consent calendar Item 4.1 “Amend City Council Policy K-2, Council Advisory Bodies”

Livable Mountain View believes it is imperative that the people serving on advisory commissions, boards and committees appointed by council be residents of Mountain View. Having these council and staff advisors be Mountain View residents ensures that those providing guidance have a stake in the outcome of the decisions for which they are recommending action. 

We understand that on occasion some committees have not had enough applicants to fill the vacant positions. Rather than filling them with non-Mountain View residents, we recommend reaching out to local neighborhood groups and other Mountain View service organizations to make the various commissions etc. and their purposes better known and/or reducing the number of advisory positions on committees.

If non-residents wish to inform council of their views and preferences for Mountain View, they are always welcome to write letters and speak at the council meetings.

Thank you for listening to our views on this important matter.

Robert Cox, Louise Katz, Maureen Blando, Peter Spitzer, Leslie Friedman, Jamsheed Agahi, Hala Alshahwany, Muriel Sivyer-Lee, Mike Finley, Li Zhang, Nazanin Dashtara, Natalie Solomon, Sean O’Malley, Diane Gazzano, and Lorraine Wormald

For the Steering Committee of Livable Mountain View

LivMV Letter to Council 10/8/2024: Item 6.1 “Mixed Use Addition at 194-198 Castro Street”

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Mayor Showalter, Vice Mayor Matichak, and Members of the Mountain View City Council,

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on Item 6.1 “Mixed-Use Addition at 194-198 Castro Street”.

We thank members of council for reaching out to staff to include our group in the discussion before this came back for this public hearing.  Unfortunately, that did not happen. We now regret having to bring these comments to council only a few hours before the hearing itself. We believe that contacting Livable Mountain View and similar advocacy groups to get meaningful comments before the staff report is written is the best way to incorporate public input on important projects. Lack of our early inclusion has been an ongoing issue. We hope that with a new Community Development Director, we will see a new responsiveness to our concern for each inclusion.  

  1. Livable Mountain View continually advocates for ground-floor public-serving retail and restaurant uses within and in close proximity to the Downtown Precise Plan Historic Retail District H. Currently, the project area is being used as patio seating for the Agave restaurant, a public serving use. In the staff report, the first-floor use of the new building is described on page 9 as “a ground-floor retail use” but no further description is given. We would like the first-floor area to remain a public serving use, whether retail or restaurant. Is there any thought yet on what use is intended? The area might be successful as a cocktail waiting area for the Agave restaurant. Livable Mountain View is familiar with our previous unfortunate experience with the Bryant Park Plaza project at 900 Villa Street. The developer promised ground-floor retail at this location, but then did not follow through with his promise. The area is now an unused office lounge area with a patrol guard. Not exactly a vibrant, public-serving use. We don’t want it to happen again at this location.
  2. Livable Mountain also consistently supports application of the Downtown Precise Plan guidelines on all new projects in that Precise Plan area. Page 5 of that Precise Plan states: “The historic retail district of Castro Street will continue to provide a continuous frontage of retail and restaurant uses at the ground level. New buildings will be sensitive to the historic storefront scale and architecture on this street. Side and rear entrances to retail and restaurant spaces will be both attractive and clean, as much a part of the image that merchants present to the community as the front of the buildings.” The window sizes proposed appear to create a break in the style between the old and new building and do not present the same image as the front of the building does. So, it appears to us the spirit of the guidelines has been ignored. We advocate for further refinements to the project to make it more closely conform to the Downtown Precise Plan Guidelines.
  3. Livable Mountain advocates for the preservation of heritage trees and an increase in tree canopy. We appreciate that the one Chinese pistache that will be removed will be replaced by a 24-inch box tree. We note that there is a gap in the tree frontage along Villa Street between Castro Street and the project site and recommend that another tree be planted there to increase the tree canopy and make it consistent.
  4. In the light of AB2097, Livable Mountain View looks for clarity in how parking will be provided for the customers and employees who will use this new building. We understand that AB2097 disallows the requirement to build parking on site for this project, due to the project’s proximity to transit. However, on page 11 of the staff report we read  “applicant must still provide the minimum number of electric vehicle (EV) and accessible spaces that would have otherwise applied to the development, which is a total of 11 spaces (pursuant to Government Code Section 65863.2).” Will the funds for these 11 spaces be put toward new parking spaces that are EV-capable and/or accessible, or is the intent that existing spaces be retrofitted for this capability? In the latter case, we note there would be a loss of spaces for the general public. 

Thanks for listening to our concerns.

Robert Cox, Louise Katz, Hala Alshahwany, Maureen Blando, Muriel Sivyer-Lee, Nazanin Dashtara, Leslie Friedman, and Sean O’Malley

For the Steering Committee of Livable Mountain View

Livable Mountain View Endorses McAlister, Showalter, and Clark in 2024 Mountain View City Council Race

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Every two years since 2018, the advocacy group Livable Mountain View has endorsed a slate of candidates in the Mountain View City Council Race. To apply for our endorsement, candidates fill out answers to a questionnaire on key livability issues facing our city’s residents. Candidates are also granted an interview if they would like to talk with us about issues not covered in what they wrote on the questionnaire. This year, the questionnaire featured questions on the following issues:

  1. Balancing Housing Production and Neighborhood Integrity
  2. Parks and Recreation Strategic Plan and Heritage Trees
  3. Historic Preservation and Register Update
  4. Downtown Precise Plan Update and Moffett Boulevard Precise Plan
  5. Shoreline Regional Tax District

All nine candidates opted to apply for our endorsement. Our choices in this election are three former mayors and council members: John McAlister, Pat Showalter, and Chris Clark.

John McAlister headshot

Our #1 choice this election is former mayor John McAlister. John describes himself as “the only moderate in the race”.  John understands the need to balance housing production with preserving neighborhood integrity. John notes that in evaluating a new project we should ask “What does the project add to improve the quality of life?” and adds “The project density should be appropriate for the area. Not overwhelming.” He advocates for a reliable source of funding for new parks. He seeks to preserve buildings in our historic downtown retail district, those that “cannot be replaced and have a documented historic value.” He is a CPA and a Mountain View business owner and will use his expertise to work with others on council to revitalize Castro Street. He supports retaining funds Shoreline Tax District to allow the city to respond to the effects of climate change. Above all, he is a pragmatic leader who works well with others on the council to craft decisions good for our community.


Pat Showalter image

Our #2 choice is the current Mayor Pat Showalter. When the council was proposing its vision for Mountain View’s future, Pat supported livability and quality of life as key city goals. She supports “smart growth” where new housing “fits in with the neighborhood character and enhances it.” Her vision for parks is that “every Mountain View resident should have a park within a short walk of their home”. She supports “preserving buildings where important events in the city took place”. She notes that protecting our downtown historic retail district “is an important part of maintaining Mountain View’s sense of place.” On the Shoreline Tax District, Pat says in boldface on her questionnaire: “So, job number one for tax revenue from the Shoreline Community is for sea level rise protection, maintaining the landfill and the park on top of it and for local infrastructure.” Beyond this, Pat is a positive, respectful member of council who works well with others planning our city’s future.


Chris Clark image

Our #3 choice is former mayor Chris Clark. Chris says “The key [to city planning] is to carefully select the growth areas and intensity levels that will allow for a dynamic city like ours to thrive.” He adds “It’s important we preserve our historic structures, especially in the first few blocks of Castro Street.” On the Downtown Precise Plan he supports “enabling economic vitality while protecting the downtown core.” On the Shoreline Tax District, he supports “preparing for sea level rise and implementing other climate resiliency measures.” Beyond this, Chris has worked in several tech startups, a key asset in planning Mountain View’s technology future. He has also been a proven consensus builder on past councils.

Although there are four open seats on the council in the election, the Livable Mountain View Endorsement Subcommittee and Steering Committee did not reach a unanimous consensus on a fourth choice. Our original questionnaire, and the answers each candidate provided (with the exception of those of Candidate Erik Poicon, who did not give permission to share his answers) are available on request. Please reply to this email to request them.  

Thanks for this opportunity to share our endorsement with you. Above all, don’t forget to vote in this important election!

Robert Cox, Louise Katz, Hala Alshahwany

Livable Mountain View — 2024 Mountain View City Council Endorsement Subcommittee


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The Steering Committee of Livable Mountain View is pleased to announce our endorsed candidates in the 2022 Mountain View City Council Election.

Li Zhang

Our first choice is newcomer Li Zhang. Li Zhang stands out among the other candidates because she advocates for maintaining quality of life for Mountain View residents while our city grows. This means providing for the infrastructure our city needs including new parks. Beyond that , Li supports Livable Mountain View’s position that the retail in village centers must not simply be replaced with new housing, it must be retained so that as our city grows our residents have places where they can buy groceries, get local services, and socialize with one another without having to drive to other cities. By retaining local goods and services, we help support our ecology and combat climate change.  Li’s website is

Furthermore, Li has been clear in her opposition to the current proposal to rezone all R3 (multifamily residential) areas in our city in one single action next year. While Li supports fulfilling our obligation to zone for the 11,135 new units which Sacramento requires of Mountain View over the next eight years, she questions that we should go beyond this amount at this time. Li supports looking for new precise plan areas in our city if there is a need to rezone for more housing. Mountain View’s requirement from Sacramento is the highest in the Bay Area. Li understands that building housing for the Bay Area is a regional obligation. Read her long form answers here: PDF.

Alison Hicks
Alison Hicks

We have also chosen to endorse incumbents Alison Hicks and Ellen Kamei. Alison has been a consistent advocate for the preservation of our city’s historic core. As the city updates its Downtown Precise Plan, we will be looking for Alison’s continued support in making our downtown a vibrant and engaging place. Read her long form answers here: PDF.

Alison’s website is

Ellen Kamei
Ellen Kamei

Ellen respects our city’s general and precise plans and takes them seriously when evaluating development decisions. The city faces some important development choices in the near future, and we will be looking for Ellen’s support in supporting project proposals that enhance our city and respectfully transition to the surrounding neighborhoods. Ellen’s website is

On the other hand, Alison and Ellen have been less forthcoming than Li on how they will vote on other key issues that will come up in the next council session, particularly the R3 upzoning proposal. We urge the voters to stay engaged with them on this and other issues. Read the long form answers here: PDF.

Lucas Ramirez

We have chosen not to endorse Lucas Ramirez, as he is the council’s leading advocate for R3 upzoning. Lucas has also stated that after a brief pilot program, the residents must bear the full cost of residential parking permits if and when they are needed. With the legislature passing Assembly Bill 2097, which ends Mountain View’s ability to require parking in new residential developments in our city, parking permits may be in higher demand. We at Livable Mountain do not believe that the residents should bear the full cost of parking permits which may be required due to policies imposed upon them. Having said this, we do look forward to working with Lucas on issues of common concern, including providing wider and more understandable outreach to the community when new developments are proposed. Lucas’s website is Read his long form answers here: PDF.

We are also not endorsing Justin Cohen, who declined to participate in our endorsement process.

For those interested in more information on the candidate’s positions, we have included the candidates’ questionnaires. You may also refer to the diagram below where we have rated candidates’ responses on a scale from Least Livable (Red) to Most Livable (Dark Green).

LivMV Endorsement Council 2022

Above all make sure to cast your ballot and make your views known!

Robert Cox, Louise Katz, Mary Hodder, Hala Alshahwany, Lorraine Wormald, and Leslie Friedman

For the Steering Committee of Livable Mountain View

Step UP NOW For Mountain View’s Downtown!

By | City Planning, Historic Buildings, Livability, MV Council | No Comments

This Tues. June 8 at 5:00 our City Council will decide on issues that will be the turning point for the future of our historic downtown: will we protect and enhance our irreplaceable buildings and ensure the existence of the restaurants and retail that make Castro Street a lively, safe and unique public space for residents and visitors OR will they allow first floor offices that will take over the restaurants and shops and leave us with darkened windows, closed doors such that Castro will become an office park next to the train station? Click thru to see how to show your support to council by sending them a message.

Read More


By | Affordable Housing, City Planning, Design, Historic Buildings, Livability, MV Council, Walk Appeal | No Comments

OUR PROCESS:  Each of the nine candidates responded to our questionnaire on critical issues affecting livability now and in the post-pandemic future such as the future of our historic downtown, office-housing balance, local control over development and the development of Moffett Street adjacent to downtown.

Eight of the nine candidates accepted our offer of an interview to expand on their written responses.

RESULTS: Lisa Matichak and Margaret-Abe Koga were the two candidates whose written responses were 100 percent in support of the advocacy and goals of Livable Mountain View and who we feel would give Mountain View much needed leadership during this critical time.

We wish to thank all the candidates for their efforts.  Please see the questionnaires of candidates who gave us permission to publish (see links below).


Formed in 2018 to advocate for Mountain View City Council candidates and actions that promote the livability of our city, LivMV was a key contributor to the 2018 election of our (former) steering committee member Alison Hicks to the Council. We also endorsed first place council candidate Ellen Kamei. Livable Mountain View was the prime driver behind Weilheimer House (Chez TJ) and the Air Base Laundry building (Tied House) receiving eligibility for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places. Prior to this honor being granted by state and federal commissions we lobbied our Council to preserve these buildings with a 2600 signature petition and appearances before the Council when their destruction seemed imminent. In the last two years, Livable Mountain View has lobbied the Council on a number of other issues, including the inappropriateness of cannabis stores in our downtown, positive characteristics of an affordable housing project proposed for downtown Parking Lot 12, and the need for a competitive process for the design of the new downtown Transit Center to create a world class entry to our city.

Here are the full questionnaires from Candidates:

NOTE: Alex Núñez and Sally Lieber refused permission to share their answers.

Margaret Abe-Koga (pdf)

Lisa Matichak (pdf)

Pat Showalter (pdf)

Lenny Siegel (pdf)

José Gutiérrez (pdf)

Paul Roales (pdf)

John Lashlee (pdf)

Livable Mountain View Announces Success in Campaign to Assign Historic Designation to Weilheimer House, Former Air Base Laundry

By | City Planning, Historic Buildings, Livability | No Comments

California State Historical Resources Commission Deems Downtown Mountain View Buildings Eligible for Historic Register

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — July 23, 2019 — Livable Mountain View, a volunteer community group dedicated to the sustained livability of Mountain View, today announced the successful completion of its
campaign to assign historical designation to two historic buildings in the city’s downtown.  The California State Historical Resources Commission (SHRC) determined the Weilheimer House (presently home to Chez TJ restaurant) and the former Air Base Laundry building (now the site of the Tied House Cafe and Brewery) are eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, following Livable Mountain View’s formal nomination of each building for historic designation.  By virtue of the SHRC determining the buildings’ eligibility, both the Weilheimer House and former Air Base Laundry building, located adjacent one another in Mountain View’s historic downtown business district, are now listed on the California Register of Historical Resources.

Appointed by the Governor of California, the SHRC is a nine-member state review board responsible for identifying, registering and preserving California’s cultural heritage. Its members include experts in history, prehistoric archaeology, architectural history, and restoration architecture. During its public hearing in Sacramento earlier this year, the SHRC reviewed Livable Mountain View’s nominations, which included extensive written documentation and visual materials supporting the historical and architectural significance of the Weilheimer House and former Air Base Laundry. The commission then voted 7-0 — two commissioners were absent — to support the buildings’ eligibility and later rendered formal decisions on both.

The SHRC hearing was video-recorded and is available to view online at:

(The Weilheimer House and Air Base Laundry segment begins at the 55-minute, 30-second point.)

“Working toward and achieving eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places like this serves as a powerful example of what a concerned, involved community can accomplish,” said Carole Whitacre of Livable Mountain View’s Steering Committee “It’s a wonderful outcome for the residents of Mountain View, its historic downtown and all those who value preserving the city’s rich heritage and historic treasures.”

The Weilheimer House was built in 1894 by Julius Weilheimer, son of Seligman Weilheimer, a German-Jewish immigrant who in 1853, along with his brother, settled in what then was known as Mountain View Station. The Weilheimers opened a general store, followed by many other family businesses that included a hotel, livery, and additional general stores. Julius Weilheimer was born in Mountain View in 1860 and eventually ran many of the family businesses, which by then were located on and around the city’s main downtown commercial street, Castro Street. He served as trustee, mayor – he held city council meetings in the Weilheimer House – and vice-president of the local bank, and led the effort to rebuild Mountain View’s downtown after much of it was destroyed in the 1906 earthquake.

The Weilheimer House’s next resident was five-term U.S. Congressman Arthur Free, who was responsible for Moffett Field (later Moffett Field/Ames Research) coming to Mountain View in 1930, when cities up and down California were competing for this project.

Air Base Laundry Announcement
in the Register-Leader, 1931

Built in 1931, the Air Base Laundry largely served the base and thus was designed to match the thirty Spanish Revival buildings still located at Moffett Field, all of which are on the National Register of Historic Places. Its façade remains unchanged as it retains its stucco finish, red roof, original upper story windows and corbels below the roofline. Although updated since 1931, the materials and scale of the doors and windows are consistent with that of the original building. By history, function and design, the Air Base Laundry building is Downtown Mountain View’s link to the first generation of air and space technology — events that helped to lay the foundation for today’s Silicon Valley.

Air Base Laundry / Tied House Today

About Livable Mountain View Livable Mountain View is an all-volunteer group of residents with the aim of making Mountain View the most livable city in California. The group supports smart growth throughout Mountain View and advocates for development that shows respect to the city’s rich heritage, irreplaceable historic structures and vibrant downtown. For more information, go to or email to

Livable Mountain View media contact:
Jerry Steach
M: 415.222.9996

For additional information and a Q&A on the historic eligibility of these buildings see: Weilheimer / Chez TJ and Air Base Laundry / Tied House Preserved – Q&A and Castro Street: Where It Came From, Why It Should Be Preserved

Weilheimer / Chez TJ and Air Base Laundry / Tied House Preserved

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For now.. the developers may be back! (watch this space for updates..)

Livable Mountain View is pleased to announce the eligibility of Mountain View’s Weilheimer House (939 Villa, currently Chez TJ) and the Air Base Laundry (954 Villa, currently Tied House) for the National Register of Historic Places and the California Register of Historic Resources. 

These historical buildings link Mountain View’s history from the Gold Rush to today’s Silicon Valley.  

How did this come about?  The State Historical Resources Commission (SHRC), a nine-member state board which identifies, registers and preserves California’s cultural heritage, reviewed our nominations which included written documentation of the historical and architectural significance of these two buildings. The owners (who opposed historical designation) presented their chosen documents. A public hearing was held in Sacramento on February 2, 2019. Both sides were allotted time for oral and visual presentations.  Public discussion and deliberation followed.

What does this mean?  As stated in the attached qualifying letters, historic status does not restrict the owner from normal use of the property but any project that would cause “substantial adverse changes in the significance of a registered property may require compliances with local ordinances or the California Environmental Quality Act.”

Weilheimer House circa 1894

Why these buildings?  Weilheimer House was built in 1894 by Julius Weilheimer, son of Seligman Weilheimer, a German-Jewish immigrant who, with his brother, settled in the hamlet of Mountain View in 1853.  The town was located at the stage coach stop near Grant Road and El Camino. The Seligman’s general store was followed by many other family businesses including a hotel, livery, and additional general stores.

In 1865 the “new” Mountain View was laid out along the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks. Known as “Villa Lands” this is the Mountain View we know today. It included Castro, Hope, Villa, Dana, Franklin and Oak Streets. Julius Weilheimer, born in Mountain View in 1860, eventually ran many of the family businesses which by then were located on and around Castro Street. He served as trustee, mayor (holding city council meetings in Weilheimer House), vice-president of the local bank (now Red Rock Coffee) and led the effort to rebuild the downtown after much of it was destroyed in the 1906 earthquake. The Weilheimer’s Farmers’ Store built in 1874 (now the site of Oren’s Hummus)  is believed to be the oldest building in Mountain View and possibly the Peninsula.  (See more on the history of Castro Street here.)

The Weilheimer House -- or Chez TJ, as it's been known the past 30 years -- was built in the 1890s by early Mountain View settlers and features Queen Anne architecture.
The Weilheimer House — or Chez TJ, as it’s been known the past 30 years — was built in the 1890s by early Mountain View settlers and features Queen Anne architecture.

Weilheimer House is also significant as it is an excellent, well preserved example of the Queen Anne style of architecture. This includes a street façade and many original windows which retain their historic integrity. Reused as a restaurant since 1982, the interior has many original features and materials.

Although Julius Weilheimer moved in 1910, the historic significance of his house did not end because the next occupants, Arthur Free and his family, moved in. Arthur Free, a Stanford graduate, was the only Congressional Representative from Mountain View. He served five terms representing Santa Clara County.

What is significant about Arthur Free and Weilheimer House? In the midst of the Great Depression cities across the state competed to be the site of a new airfield to house the massive dirigibles being developed to protect the west coast. Through the efforts of Free and local leaders, Santa Clara County was awarded the airbase in 1930.  Congressman Free introduced the “Free Bill” to establish the base and authorize $5 million for construction of what we now know as Moffett Field/Ames Research. President Hoover (who had attended Stanford and knew the area) signed the Free Bill on Feb. 20, 1931 giving control of the site to the Navy who named it after Admiral William Moffett. Thirty Spanish Revival style buildings, a power plant and a laundry were recorded as being built in 1931-1932.

As dirigibles became obsolete, the base was transferred to the Army in 1935 where it became a training facility for the Army Air Corps (U.S. Air Force).  In 1939 Congress allotted $10 million for aeronautical research (Ames Research).  Pilot training continued at Moffett during World War II. Trainees, including actor Jimmy Steward (It’s a Wonderful Life), frequented Castro Street.  We will never know if he was a customer of the Air Base Laundry as well.  

Thus, Weilheimer House directly links Gold Rush pioneers to the research and development of technology which is Silicon Valley.  

1931 Air Base Laundry Announcement in Register-Leader
1931 Air Base Laundry Announcement in Register-Leader
Tied House - today
Tied House – today

Why Preserve Air Base Laundry/Tied House?  Built in 1931, at the same time as the Air Base, this building served the Base and was clearly built to match the thirty beautiful Spanish Revival Buildings  which are on the National Register of Historic Places. It retains its stucco finish, red roof, original upper story windows and corbels below the roof line.  Although updated since 1931, the materials and scale of the doors and windows are consistent with that of the original building. 

Thus, by history, function and design the Air Base Laundry is our link to the earliest air and space technology and the events which brought us today’s technological world.

Castro Street: Where It Came From, Why It Should Be Preserved

By | City Planning, Historic Buildings | No Comments

•  1852 The first Mountain View was a tiny settlement formed around the first stagecoach stop for the first stagecoach service originated by John W. Whisman near Grant Road and El Camino.  Richard Carr opened the first general merchandise store.

I853 the Weilheimer brothers, Seligman and Samuel, German-Jewish immigrants, arrived from Germany and to take a shot at the American Dream. they opened the second general merchandise store. Competition and diversity had an early start in Mountain View.

1854 The settlement is named “Mountain View” by a local store shop keeper and post master, Jacob Shumway. 

1856 The Weilheimer brothers established a general store, livery, and hotel in Mountain View.

1860 The census listed Julius Weilheimer as being 9 months old. He will eventually run the family businesses, serve as town mayor, town trustee, help create and serve as  vice president of the local bank (now occupied by Red Rock Coffee) which eventually became Bank of America, built and resided in the Weilheimer House at 938 Villa in 1894 (currently occupied by Chez TJ), lead the effort to rebuild a shattered downtown after the 1906 earthquake, and serve as postmaster and Wells Fargo representative among other contributions to our city.

1864 The railroad in the form of the Southern Pacific arrived and by locating its rail line in its present location, the Mountain View we know today grew and prospered.

1865 The new Mountain View town grid was laid out and remains today with Castro as the main street.  The area was called Villa Lands.

1867 Rengstorff House was built.

•1870-71 The Weilheimer brothers thrived and opened more businesses on and near Castro Street. Their 1874 Farmers Store at 124 Castro Street remains today and is occupied by Oren’s Hummus. It is believed to be the oldest building on Castro Street and perhaps the peninsula.  

1880 The Weilheimer family built its home and opened a stable on what is now Evelyn Street with and another general merchandise store in the first block of Castro Street.

• 1902 Mountain View was incorporated, Mountain View High School opened. We had electric streetlights, telephone service and a municipal water system.

1905 The Ames Building at 171 Castro Street, was built with its Spanish influenced tiled roofline and is one of Castro’s oldest commercial structures.  For decades it was occupied by the Jehning family lock business and Lock Museum.

1906 The Mockbee Building at 191 Castro Street, occupied by Knapps, is an example of the Italiante Style of commercial buildings popular in Mountain View. It was originally a hardware store and meeting place for civic groups.

1906 the San Francisco Earthquake destroyed many downtown businesses including the Ames Building which was quickly rebuilt.

1913 The Jurian Building at 194 Castro Street, most recently a candy and pop shop, was a drug store and general merchandise building that had a hall upstairs for dances, civic gatherings and celebrations.

1920 The Farmers and Merchants State Bank at 201 Castro Street, now occupied by Red Rock Coffee was built with the participation and investment of Julius Weilheimer and remains a distinguished building with Romanesque features and elaborate decoration.

1933 U.S. Naval Air Station, Moffett Field was established with buildings in the Spanish Revival style then popular in California.  The Air Base Laundry, now occupied by Tied House, opened at 954 Villa Street to serve the needs of the Air Base and utilized the same Spanish Revival architecture, as do other buildings in Mountain View, Sunnyvale and Palo Alto.