New Council Recognizes Livable Mountain and Commits Toward our Goals

By January 13, 2019Livability, MV Council

Tuesday, January 8, 2019 was a landmark day for Livable Mountain View and its supporters.  In her inauguration speech, newly elected Mayor Lisa Matichak pointed out the need for the council to address the livability concerns of Mountain View residents.  Here is a quote from her speech:

We, your city council, need to address issues residents have been asking us to address, especially in the area of quality of life.  We know that residents want us to address the public health and safety issues that come with vehicles used as primary living spaces, they want us to improve safety for pedestrians and bicyclists, they want us to preserve the character of our downtown, they want us to address airplane noise, preserve Heritage trees, and more.  I’m hoping we can make significant progress on quality of life issues in 2019.    

Livable Mountain View particularly welcome’s our new mayor’s recognition of the need to preserve our downtown’s character.

We would also like to thank newly elected council member and Livable Mountain View co-founder Alison Hicks, who acknowledged our support of her campaign, who noted:

When we are tackling those huge global and regional problems, in the end, we need to remember that Mountain View is home to a lot of people, and we need to make sure that as we grow, we keep Mountain View a truly great place to live.

It will be an exciting year as we work with the new council to promote all that is best in our city.

Robert Cox

Author Robert Cox

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